Heard County Georgia
Official Government Website
Heard County
Administration Building
201 Park Avenue
Franklin, GA 30217
(706) 675-3821 (TTY 711)
© 2019 Heard County Government. All Rights Reserved. Created and Administered by the Heard County IT Department
Heard County
Court & Voter Services
215 East Court Square
Franklin, GA 30217
(706) 675-7560 (TTY 711)
Basic Rules of Court

The courtroom is a place of order and structure. You should act in a respectful manner when in the presence of the judge, court staff, attorneys, court officers and other persons attending court. Once the court has made a ruling in your case, continue to be respectful as you exit the courtroom. Attempts to disrupt the court once the judge has made a ruling may cause jail time.
What time is my hearing?
If you have questions about your case such as the time or date of your hearing, you can contact the court clerk’s office for assistance. You may also ask for directions to the court and the courtroom in which you should appear.
What if I need special assistance?
If you have a disability, speak another language, or require special accommodations in the courtroom, please call before your hearing to allow the court time to properly assist you.
What should I do if I cannot appear at my hearing?
If you cannot appear in court, contact the court clerk at least 48-hours before your scheduled hearing. Also keep in mind that a judge may make a ruling in your case without you being present.
When Appearing in Court

Juvenile Court
Throw away gum, food, and drinks before entering the courtroom
Stand when the judge enters and leaves the courtroom
Stand when speaking to the judge
Speak clearly when you respond to the judge's questions
Always address the judge as "Your Honor"
Never interupt the judge. If you are unsure of what you heard, wait until the judge or other person speaking at your hearing has finished talking before asking a question
Enter and leave the courtroom quietly, so you do not disturb others
Only approach the bench when instructed to do so
What to wear
If you are appearing in court you should dress nicely and in a manner that shows respect for the court.
Here are things you should NOT wear:
Hats inside the courtroom (except those worn for religious purposes)
T-shirts depicting violence, sexual acts, profanity, or illegal drugs
Tube or halter tops/ plunging necklines/midriffs
Baggy pants that fall below the waist
Muscle shirts (usually worn as undergarments)
If you are not dressed properly, you will be asked to leave the court and return at a later date. This will delay your hearing and require you to appear in court more than once.
Electronic equipment such as video, voice recorders or cameras (unless approved by the court)
Food, beverages, chewing gum and tobacco
Prohibited Items
Items that should NOT enter the courthouse:
Cell Phones
The use of cell phones is not allowed in the courtroom. Your cell phone or pager must be turned off before entering so you do not disrupt the court. Attorneys and other court personnel must place their phones on silent/vibrate mode.
Before entering the court you may go through a security checkpoint. You will be asked to walk through a metal detector or an officer will use a wand to check for prohibited items. You should allow the officer to search any bags, packages or personal belongings taken into the courtroom. If you refuse to cooperate, you may be denied entry to your hearing.