Heard County Georgia
Official Government Website
Heard County
Administration Building

201 Park Avenue
Franklin, GA 30217
(706) 675-3821 (TTY 711)
Heard County
Court & Voter Services

215 East Court Square
Franklin, GA 30217
(706) 675-7560 (TTY 711)

County News
Now Accepting Statements of Qualifications for Fire Training Center Site Improvements
February 16, 2024
The Heard County Board of Commissioners requests statements of qualifications from Qualified Vendors to provide construction services for the Fire Training Center – Site Improvements. The Contractor must have current Georgia Contractor’s License.  The Contractor shall show qualifications to provide all materials and services necessary in the performance of this scope of work.

Statements of Qualifications will be received by the Heard County Board of Commissioners, Purchasing Department, 201 Park Avenue, Franklin, Georgia 30217 until
2:00 p.m. local time on March 13, 2024.  Late proposals will not be considered nor returned.  Proposals will be formally accepted and acknowledged at the County Administration Building by staff personnel.

The Request for Qualification documents will be available for inspection at Heard County Purchasing Department, 201 Park Avenue, Franklin, Georgia 30217, Phone 706-675-3821.

Proposals may not be withdrawn for ninety (90) days after the time and date set for closing, except as allowed by O.C.G.A. Heard County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any technicalities.
BID Documents are available on the
Bids and Proposals Page located HERE.